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Writer's pictureJames Roller

My Dear Belovèd

Subtle is the kiss of gold

Within her locks in mid-day sun

Which, juxtaposed her smile, seems cold,

And somehow dims that orb so old,

When near her in comparison.

The eyes of blue, like mid-day sky,

But never clouded, always pure,

Are deeper far than one could try

To peer into those depths, so high.

The sky proves shallow next to her.

Swift like comets, nay, like rays

Which quickly, their concourses find,

Or better yet am I to say

That even these are blown away

By my belovèd's shining mind.

Music does her language speak,

And music too, her motions strike.

All melodies, her essence seek,

Though symphonies would prove too weak

To tell us what her grace is like.

Whisp'rings told by rustled leaves

Recant the glory of her form,

And praises sung by birds in these

Give thanks to her amenities,

Thereon behalf of hearts they warm.

And winds tell woes of wretched hearts

That never did behold her grace.

Such taunted tales do they impart

Of men who were not quite so smart

To seek out that most sacred place,

That solace that I hold so dear,

A region warm and free from harm,

Where all is bright and filled with cheer,

And where I'll stay through all my years,

Within my dear, belovèd's arms.

c. April 1993

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