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Writer's pictureJames Roller

Janis' Gates

Janis isn't Roman and she hasn't mastered change.

She doesn't have a way to see what Fate has pre-arranged.

Though not a god, not double-faced, and no omniscient gate,

A goddess then, who radiates in beauty, just as great.

Janis' eyes aren't wide as skies, though just about as blue,

And all the drops that fall from them are blessed like morning dew.

I'd like to keep the winds of change from moistening those eyes,

But wonder if I'm man enough to break through her disguise.

Janis is a fortress, like the strong-built walls of Troy.

A warrior might take her but she thinks I'm just a boy.

I cannot scale the mighty gates, and will not knock them down,

Nor could I be her city's king, nor could I bear the crown.

Janis thinks that I'm the fool because she cannot see

Beyond the stalwart parapets that keep her far from me.

I'd cross those trenchant barriers that Janis' heart defend,

But once inside, I fear that she would toss me out again.

I'm no Achilles, Diomedes, not a man of force.

I have no wise Ulysses and no lumber for a horse,

No temple built to Pallas, nor a shrine to Venus blessed,

And in my verse, though not the worst, I'm clearly not the best.

So only words could be my key, they're all I have to give,

And open ears, an open heart and power to forgive.

These things are worthless in a world of property, I know,

But then, I think, in soil of greed, a strong love cannot grow.

My gifts are few, their worth is small, can fetch but little coin;

I have no gift of dowry and no empire, yet, to join.

But just a chest of love and understanding overflows;

A wealth secure, a citadel that none could overthrow.

This palace tall will never fall. It's built upon the rock.

And trust enshrines its only store, and love its only stock.

So while the walls around you now protect you from their view,

My palace walls would raise you up and plant a garden new

With fruits of love on every tree that make the boughs bow down,

And fields of hope on every hill, and friendship for a town;

And on the sweet horizon, where the sun would always rise,

The ruins of your garrison recant of your devise.

Our palace would be far and free from lonely lovers' dread,

A home for one love, one affection, one life and one bed.

We two will rule with heavy hearts for those who stand outside

To gaze upon our fortune found, the love that they denied.

A reign of peace, we monarchs of the heart would rule until

The day when we are summoned to a kingdom greater still.

And then reclined in final love and life, your hand in mine,

We two remain in light of love until the end of time.

So let us love today and be examples to the rest

Of how the ones who live in light of love are surely blessed.

And let this verse of one man's hopeful passion be the key

To open wide those mighty gates that hide your heart from me.

c. Feb 1994

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