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aka Jimmy Roller, Jim Roller


I've been playing music for people since I was a kid. My first instrument was piano, which I started playing at the age of six. I picked up the guitar at 13 or 14, I don't really remember, but it quickly became my primary instrument because You Can't Carry a Piano to the Beach, right?? I think you could say I started painting in kindergarten, but I forgot until I was in college, and then I forgot again until recently. I guess part of what I'm doing here is an attempt to convince others to "remember" the works they used to see within them, and to start discovering what lies within again.
In my teens and twenties I spent some time playing at clubs in LA, along the sidewalk where I was allowed, and a whole lot of places where I wasn't allowed. I've played too many restaurants and bars to remember them all, often sitting in with other bands and singing my heart out in the days they used to call me "Jammin Jimmy" and "Young James."
These days you can find me in Northern Colorado along the Front Range playing clubs and open mics and I'm looking forward to getting out with my band of buddies whenever the business of life allows. Oh, that hectic business of life!

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